Moriwaki ZERO 鈦合金全段排氣管 適用於CB400 SF車型,鈦合金材質擁有輕量及散熱快的特性而且後段是非常漂亮的彩虹顏色兼具美觀及增加愛車性能,前段經過一段時間的騎乘後由於溫度會改變原鈦的顏色變成藍色也很漂亮,Moriwaki全段4-1-1的設計著重在高速時爆發的馬力但在低速扭力的表現就沒有4-2-1的表現優異,不過CB400的四缸高轉引擎加上全段鈦合金排氣管的排氣聲浪還是比原廠的來的悅耳!----------------------------------------------This product is compatible with CB400 SF.The titanium alloy material has the characteristics of reducing weight and fast heat dissipation. Its exhaust tail section is very beautiful, and its color is like a rainbow. So after installing it, I think my car has become more beautiful.I have been using it for a while. Its titanium alloy material part will turn blue. I feel so admired and beautiful.The key point of Moriwaki 4-1-1's design is to burst out horsepower when cruising at high speeds. But in low-speed cruising, the torque performance is not as good as 4-2-1.However, after adding this exhaust to the CB400, the sound will be better than the original exhaust!Powered by Google Translator
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- Full Exhaust System ZERO SS
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835.3 USD (130,316 JPY)
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Product detail
・Pipe: Titanium
・Silencer: Titanium
[Volume] Proximity exhaust noise: 94dB
[Specification] JMCA approved exhaust (for vehicle inspection)
[Maintenance Data]
・Removing and installing the oil drain bolt: Available
・Change oil filter: Available
・Whether center stand can be used or not: -
Points of Attention
* If there may be an instruction manual included, it will be written in Japanese.
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Customer Reviews
Fits:HONDA CB400SF 99-07 H-VTEC
Fits:HONDA CB400SF 99-07 H-VTEC
Very Good
Aug 23, 2019
The volume is just right and Parenthesis is good
I bought it to change the exhaust system of my CB400SF
The price is not Reasonable, but the Full Exhaust System's Exhaust System and Japanese Vehicle I decided to buy it because it was an Inspection Correspondence
I am satisfied with the volume and texture and the appearance of the Parenthesis
I installed it myself, but it was a challenge For me, I had the hardest time when I installed the Band of Silencer, and Silencer Wounded
I wish it could be installed a little easier It's a struggle, but well, you can make it work with your spirit there
Overall, I'm glad I bought it
Fits:HONDA CB400SF 99-07 H-VTEC
Apr 24, 2019
I'm putting it on my CB400SF spec3, replacement from OEM, Throttle The response has obviously improved Torque at low speeds seems to have gone up When accelerating from about 100km/h on the highway, the way of the speed increase is considerably better than the OEM It became The sound is not so much heavy bass at 2Valve, but it sounds low The sound is loud and clear when it changes This feels so good and fun!
I wish it was a bit more bass heavy, but it's still very good for that Product
Fits:HONDA CB400SF 99-07 H-VTEC
Apr 24, 2019
Torque and blow-up are generally better
Fitted to an NC39 spec3, replaced from OEM
Throttle response is noticeably better and the torque at low speeds is much better than I feel that the speed of the car has increased In addition, the way of the speed increase when accelerating from around 100km/h on the highway is clearly good became
At 2Valve, the sound is not quite as heavy as the bass, but it sounds bassier With a whoosh, the sound goes up a notch and you can clearly hear the switch It's so nice and fun here! The acceleration at that point seems to be stronger than the OEM I would dare to say that I wish the sound at 2Valve was heavy bass, but even with that in it Very nice product The look and feel of the parenthesis is well and Large satisfied
Fits:HONDA CB400SF 99-07 H-VTEC
Jan 17, 2013
Before, it had attached to CB400 SF-V2.since an exhaust sound will turn into loud sound (the highest sound) as compared with a Normal muffler if it becomes the rotational frequency which V TEC begins to hear in bass, it is a Muffler to surely raise rotational frequency and come to run.Moreover, the engine Response also became good.
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