▲ With Toby Price, Dakar Rally Champion
Dakar Champion Toby Price participated as a guest
I have already mentioned that I participated in the international test ride event of "KTM 390 ADVENTURE" and, in fact, a special guest was there. It was the surprising participation of Toby Price, who was the champion of the Dakar Rally 2019 last year. I also had the opportunity to ride with him.
▲ Toby Price Image Source: Red Bull
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The Spanish Canary Islands, where test ride event was held, is an island made of volcanic activity. There was a huge rocky terrain everywhere, and the endless winding roads that seemed to be just asphalt flowed were more scary and powerful than its superb view.
▲ KTM 390 Adventure International Test Ride Event held in Canary Islands
But we are so really lucky to have Toby Price as a support to our group. Moreover, he rides in front of me in the uniform of the KTM factory which I saw many times in the Red Bull press photo. It was a strange feeling that I couldn't believe it to be in a reality.
▲ Toby Price Image Source: Red Bull
What's more, we led the way to another star-studded BAJA1000 champion named Quinn Cody. At first, I was walking on air because I was so nervous, but I was able to calmly observe their rides as I got used to the pace after a while.
Not only changing direction but also his timing of acceleration is also very fast, so he can go out from a corner quickly
When I looked at the rearview mirror, Toby was behind me closely and grinning. It was like he seems to enjoy tailgate riding, lol. And the next thing you know, since he came in front of me as if to say "Do you want me to lead the way?", I took advantage of the opportunity to study his running with my eyes wide open.
▲ KTM 390 Adventure, The rider is the writer.
The Dakar Rally Champion was also expert at on-road. He swung his machine right and left through tight corners, but he laid the machine deeper than anyone else in the first half of the corner and started to open the accelerator faster than anyone else. In other words, he quickly changed the direction at turn-in, and his timing to accelerate is also faster. As a result, his cornering speed is extremely fast.
Indeed, it is an way of off-road riding. It is quite different from a typical on-road riding, so it might sound dangerous to hear, but there is no sign of falling down because the motorcycle is completely under his control. He is one of the riders who can freely slide, jump, and bounce his powerful factory machines in the world's toughest rally, so it is natural that he could ride like that, and the 390 ADVENTURE is like a toy for him.
Rhythm like a skiing Slalom competition
I was particularly admired his way how to use suspensions. The 390 ADVENTURE is a so-called "the long-suspension machine" with a front and rear suspensions stroke of 170mm / 177mm, which about 30 to 40mm longer than the typical on-road sport. The key is to make the best use of this abundant stroke amount. If you don't do it right, since long-stroke suspensions are beyond your control, the timing of the swing was off, and it can get off the line or be unsteady. However, in watching Toby, I could see that he quickly compressed the suspension early in the leaning-in the motorcycle and presses the tires on the road.
▲ KTM 390 Adventure, The rider is the writer.
As soon as he gets into the turn, he opens the accelerator to keep more traction, and in the second half of the turn, he accelerates and raises the motorcycle and rebounds the suspension, and the moment of "unweighting", he now leans into the other side. It feels like he is using the full suspension stroke to do the job, but the action is very smooth and exceptionally fast. I thought that the sense of rhythm was similar to the Slalom competition of Alpine skiing. I felt that many scales had fallen from my eyes. Certainly, it's not a technique for anyone to recommend, but it was a valuable experience of seeing the riders at the top of the world up close.
He had a big body, and he also had a super big heart.
▲ Toby Price Image Source: Red Bull
By the way, I also joined dirt-road riding, but Toby was the first to come to the rescue when I was struggling because I was stuck in a climbing field like a rough forest road and could not move. He lifted the rear wheel buried in the soil with his log-like arms, and with a refreshing smile, he said, "No problem." He accompanied me for a while, perhaps because he was worried about my greenhorn riding, and then disappeared from my sight with an incredible run (in order word, I had no scope to observe his riding on the dirt road).
If he sees a companion in trouble, first he reaches out. I think that this kind of open-mindedness and noble spirit made Toby a 2-time Dakar Rally champion. In fact, Toby also rescued Paulo Gonçalves, who died in an unexpected accident in this year's Dakar Rally 2020, until the doctor's helicopter arrived, he continues to aid earnestly and lost more than an hour of the race and missed the championship. That's the kind of man he is.
He is open-minded, friendly, and makes everyone smile. He had a big body, and he also had a super big heart. The 32-year-old Australian, who rides with his blond hair floating in the wind, taught me more than just a riding technique.
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