- Introduction of my low foot grounding
- ・Scooters: Foot grounding was poorer than my expection.
- ・Mini Bikes: If I straddle a mini bike...
- ・250cc Bikes: Cool, but footgrounding is...
- ・Big Bikes: Only one foot... I can...
- ・Harley Davidson: I can ground... but...
- ・Addition: Foot...
- ・How to solve having a poor foot grounding?
- ・Summary
Introduction of my low foot grounding
Hello! I'm Kamoda, a female beginner rider.
I introduced my beloved SUPER CUB in my previous article, but I have summarized the "foot grounding", which said to be the eternal distress for the short riders in this article!
By the way, how is everyone doing with foot grounding that is a common problem for short riders? I, who is writing, am also the shortest with 155cm among of the Webike staff, and I often sigh saying to myself that, "If I have at least 160cm, it would be easier for me to reach the ground..."
Make use of your short height, I often appears in the photo as a staff member for foot grounding specs in Webike Motoreport. Since I have been taking a variety of motorcycle foot grounding photo, I thought that it would be a reference for riders with anxiety even with a little foot grounding, and I tried to summarize about the foot grounding of the Webike staff motorcycles!
It would make me happy if I could help for those short riders who are worried about the foot grounding of motorcycles!
Introducing the reason why I start riding and my beloved motorcycle (Japanese)
[Table of Contents]
・Scooters: Foot grounding was poorer than my expection.
A scooter plays a major role in commuting to school and everyday life. I have never been worried about my foot grounding so far. When I straddle again, the foot grounding was not so good even on a 125-150cc scooters.
Not only does the seat have a wider width by securing storage space under the seat, but also the width of the floor panel, so it gave me poor impressions of the foot grounding even seat heights are not so high. When short riders straddle on the back part of rider seat of scooters, It has to be carefull that your feet may not reach the ground.
・Mini Bikes: If I straddle a mini bike...
When I straddle a mini bike with my height, it does not look like a mini even it is a mini...The Monkey 125 and C125, which I straddled in this time, are almost the same seat height as the 250cc motorcycles, so I stood on both tiptoes. But, the weight of the those is light, so there was no problem with maneuverability or supporting those.
By the way, when I straddled the XE50 owned by one of the Webike staff, it was the first time that I could completely ground my both foot with bending my knees, so I excited. Since the displacement of the XE50 is 50cc, there are various restrictions, but if you are looking for a small motorcycle with MT, I think that you can have a motorcycle like the XE50 as a candidate!
・250cc Bikes: Cool, but footgrounding is...
When it comes to the 250cc class, it comes out not only the seat height but also the width, so the footing is getting worse. In case of a full fairing models that are particularly conscious of sports riding, the they have a clip-on handlebars and the posture will be also in a forward-leaning. However, the its weight maight be light, so even short riders are enough to support with just one foot grounding by sliding your hips. Depending on the model, the tank and seat are designed to be slim, so there are models that have good foot grounding even seat height is high.
but if I ride it with remaining anxious about my feet grounding, I will imagine the cowl will break if I will fall, so I have always to ride with tension.
Since Most naked models are adopted a pipe handlebar and the position of the handlebar is higher compared to clip-on handlebars, the center of body gravity don't move forward so much, and it makes be easier to ride. However, there is case the handlebar position may be too high depending on the models, and making it difficult to ride. If you think that the handlebar position is high, you may be able to lower it, so it is a good idea to consult at a motorcycle shop.
*When I straddled the XSR155, both footing did not reach to the ground...
・Big Bikes: Only one foot... I can...
I haven't ridden big bike, but I borrowed it from a Webike staff, and tried to straddle on it!
I did not feel the seat height is so high even a big bike, but it was heavy. I did not feel the seat height is so high even a big bike, but it was heavy. Rather, I felt that it was more comfortable to stand on one foot by sliding my hips. However, in case of a weak woman, it may be more difficult to handle a big bike to push and pull than supporting it.
・Harley Davidson: I can ground... but...
I tried to straddle the Harley-Davidson with a seat height of 710mm and 690mm. My foot were enough to reach to the ground. However, if you're not used to it, you may not be able to operate well, because the footpeg and handlebar are far away, and the arms and legs become straight, and you'll have strange force when you turn or step on the rear brakes. The vehicle weighs 247kg and 287kg, and it might be hard to pay for a stand if you are weak or unfamiliar. It's horrible to think about being killed.
・Addition: Foot...
There was just a staff with a competition vehicle and the seat height was 985mm! I could easily imagine that my feet were floating in the air by listening to the figures, but I tried to straddle over with curiosity!

・How to solve having a poor foot grounding?
A common example of a countermeasure when foot grounding is poor
・Pull out lowered seat
This is a method of thinly slicing the urethane (sponge) portion of the seat contents. Generally, it can be about 3cm thin, or about 5cm thin depending on the vehicle model, and it will keep your foot grounding better. Some motorcycles offer lowered seats and there is also a motorcycle that can be lowered by about 5mm by simply replacing the seat.
・Adjust the suspension and lowdown kit
This is a part that lowers the seat height by replacing the link connected to a rear suspension. Anyway, I want to lower the seat! If the seat height is lowered too much the balance, be careful as the balance will be disorder and the performance vehicle may damaged.
・Change handlebar position
The motorcycle with clip-on handlebars, which is often used for sports bikes, has a forward-leaning posture and the hip is floating. If you can improve the leaning posture by adjusting the handlebar, the foot grounding will improve.
・Adjustment with boots
Wearing thick-bottomed boots is one hand, but it doesn't have to be as thick as 5cm or 7cm. If you are unfamiliar with the platform, there is a possibility that you may hit your feet and fall.
When choosing a motorcycle, you will be concerned about the foot grounding. Even if you have a favorite motorcycle, your foot will not reach the ground and you will not be able to enjoy riding if you are anxious about handling the machine especially for the beginner rider. It is better to ride a stable motorcycle while having a good foot grounding, and it's more fun to ride when your riding skills improve for the beginner rider. However, I want to ride my beloved motorcycle! In that case, there is not much to deal with the foot grounding, and please try to challenge by all means.
See HONDA Moto Index Page
See SUZUKI Moto Index Page
See YAMAHA Moto Index Page
See KAWASAKI Moto Index Page
See Accessories for HONDA PCX150
See Accessories for SUZUKI SWISH
See Accessories for YAMAHA AEROX 155
See Accessories for KAWASAKI NINJA250 (EX250)