CT125 Hunter Cub

200731_sagawa-c125cub_01-473x266.jpg Motorcycle Reviews

CT125 Hunter Cub Test Ride Review: The Skillful Cub that Can be Ridden on Off-road and On-road with Vigor!

Photography: Togashi Hideaki Honda's new CT125 Hunter Cub has been selling well since its launch in June. This is a report from the media test ride held at Twin Ring Motegi. The MORIWAKI Monaka Exhaus...
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The Long-Awaited Exhaust System, a Machine Bent GP-MAGNUM Cyclone EXPORT SPEC for CT125 Fans, is Now Available!

The CT125 has sold an astonishing 8,000 units, and the exhaust system that many of its users have been waiting for is now available. This is a sports exhaust system that matches the outdoor style of ...
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Meter Visor for CT125 from Yoshimura! Easy Customization for a Sporty Look!

Yoshimura has released the "Meter Visor" for the CT125, allowing the user to easily change the image of the CT125's front mask, with the FRP visor available in unpainted black or colored brown and red...
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Moriwaki Monaka Exhaust System for the CT125 for Powerful Riding in Any Situation!

Moriwaki has decided to release a full exhaust system for the new CT125 model. The concept is to provide a powerful and comfortable ride in any situation. With the concept of "Powerful and comfortable...
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Honda Releases CT125 Hunter Cub Original Products: T-shirts and Outdoor Items

Honda Motorcycle Japan has announced the release of original products featuring the CT125 Hunter Cub. The new product includes four items, such as popular T-shirts and key chains, as well as outdoor i...
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CT125 Hunter Cub Test Ride Review: Dramatically Different Riding Performance! Both Off-road and Camp Touring are Fun!

▲Photo by Atsushi Sekino Honda CT125 Hunter Cub Details and Test Ride Review The CT125 Hunter Cub has been a hot topic of conversation since its concept model was unveiled at the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show...
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Five of the Most Comfortable Motorcycle for Camping!

What matters is loadability and maneuverability. Perhaps due to the recent outdoor boom and the influence of the comic "Yuru Camp", the number of riders who go camping on their motorcycles is increasi...
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The Price is Real for High-performance Rear Shocks! [Weekly Review]

Webike "Review" is a collection of the real voices from riders who tried to purchase products on our site. You can submit any motorcycle products and custom parts that is handle by Webike, a...