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Model Name:D-TRACKER150


Model Year:2016

It is a full-fledged super motard.

The 150cc super motard, D-Tracker, had been a motorcycle that travelled through the street in a light manner. And now the D-Tracker has evolved. The maneuvering stability has been improved by having large 17-inch wheels, and the design has been turned into a solemn style. In addition to that, the use of sharp-looking exterior parts, makes it look even more sporty. It inherits the high rotation type air-cooled single cylinder engine, highly rigid perimeter frame, and a long stroke suspension. The special edition version, with better quality of traveling and design, is also available.


[Basic spec]

Manufacturer KAWASAKI Engine Type Air-Cooled 4 Stroke Single Cylinder SOHC 2-Valve
Model Name D-TRACKER150 Starter -
Grade Reimported Model Maximum Output (ps) -
Drive Train - Maximum Torque (kgf/m) -
Model Type - Curb Weight 120
Displacement 144 Dry Weight -
Sales Launch Year 2016/0 Fuel Efficiency by Catalog -
Height/Width/Length -/-/- Fuel Tank Capacity -
Seat Height - Distance to Empty -
Front Tire Indication - Fuel Supply -
Rear Tire Indication -

[Service data]

Standard Plug - Chain Size -
Number of Used Plugs - Chain Link Number -
Engine Oil Amount - Battery Code -
Engine Oil (Refill) - Headlight -
Engine Oil (Element Replacement) - Headlight Type -
Front Blinker Rating - Headlight Remarks -
Drive Sprocket Teeth Number - Tail Light Rating -
Driven Sprocket Teeth Number - Rear Blinker Rating -

[Machine detail]

Motor Model Code - Caster Angle -
Bore (mm) - Trail (mm) -
Storke (mm) - Minimum Ground Clearance -
Compression Ratio - Distance Between Axes -
Ignition Method - Streering Angle (Right) -
Engine Lubrication Type - Turning Angle (Left) -
Frame Type - Mirror Screw Hole Diameter -
Minimum Rotaion Radius - Fuel Tank Reserve Capacity -

[Underbody detail]

Front Brake Type Petal Disc Brake Suspension Type (Rear) -
Front Brake Remarks - Number of Rear Shock Absorbers -
Rear Brake Type Petal Disc Brake Rear Suspension Stroke -
Rear Brake Remarks - Rear Wheel Travel -
Suspension Type (Front) - ABS -
Front Fork Type Inverted Fork Drive Train Chain
Front Suspension Stroke - Differential Oil Amount -
Front Fork Diameter - Chain Remarks -


Seat Lowering Allowance - Theft Prevention Device -
Mirror Screw Hole Diameter - Tail Light Bulb Type -
Mirror Remarks - Tail Light Base Shape -
Electronic Device Remarks - Tail Light Base Shape 2 -
Fuel Gauge Available Tail Light Remarks -
Clock - Front Blinker Bulb Type -
Hazard - Front Blinker Base Shape -

[Engine detail]

Clutch Type - Tappet Clearance (mm) EX -
Transmission 5-Stage Normal Shift Idling Initial Value (rpm) -
Number of Gears - Needle Steps (Clip Location) -
Gear Ratio - Float Level (mm) -
Primary Reduction Ratio - Air Screw Return -
Secondary Reduction Ratio - Main Jet Type -
Variable Speed Vehicle Gear Ratio - Main Jet Number -
Tappet Clearance (mm) IN -

[Other spec]

Clutch Cable Length - Rear Brake Cable Length -
Choke Cable Length - Other Cables -
Meter Cable Length - Engine Number (Production Launch) -
Throttle Cable Length - Engine Number (Production End) -
Front Brake Cable Length -

[See Moto Index of KAWASAKI]
[See Accessories for KAWASAKI D-TRACKER150]
