YAMAHA’s “SEROW 250” and “TRICKER” Models Recalled Due to Improper ECU Programming, May Cause Motorcycle to Stall

serrow.png Motorcycle & Industry

*Reference image

Date of Notification of Recall Measures
June 14, 2022

Recall measure notification number

Recall measures start date
June 15, 2022

Name or title of the notifier
Yamaha Motor Co.
President and Representative Director Yoshihiro Hidaka

Customer Communication Center

Defective part (part name)
Prime mover (engine control unit)

The structure, equipment, or performance status that is found to be in a state of nonconformity and the cause of such nonconformity

1. When the engine control unit (ECU) is improperly programmed to hold the throttle slightly open, the ECU recognizes that the throttle is closed and reduces the fuel, resulting in a thinner mixture being inhaled into the combustion chamber. If the throttle is opened slowly from this state, the mixture will become even thinner, and in the worst case, the engine may stall.

2. Due to improper programming of the engine control unit, if the throttle is held slightly open, the fuel mixture is increased excessively and the mixture inhaled into the combustion chamber becomes thicker, so the control to reduce the fuel is activated to thin the mixture. If the throttle is closed from that state, the control to increase the amount of fuel stops, but the control to reduce the amount of fuel continues, resulting in a thinner fuel mixture and, in the worst case, the engine may stall.

3. Due to improper programming of the engine control unit, if idling is continued during the warm-up process, a control to reduce fuel consumption for cleaner emissions is activated, resulting in a thinner fuel mixture being inhaled into the combustion chamber. This may cause the engine to perform unstably, and in the worst case, the engine may stall.

Details of improvement measures

All vehicles rewrite the engine control unit program to the countermeasure program.

Number of defects

1. 1 case

2. 1 case

3. 5 cases


0 cases

Motivation for Discovery

Depends on information from the market.

Measures to inform motor vehicle users and overhaul service providers

Users: Notification will be sent by direct mail.
Automobile service providers: The information will be published in the bulletin issued by the Japan Automobile Dealers Association (JAMA).
The information will be posted on the Internet homepage.

Motorcycle name


The range of VINs (serial numbers) of the recalled vehicles and the period and number of vehicles manufactured

Common name: SEROW XT250
  Model: 2BK-DG31J
  VIN number: DG31J-000013 through DG31J-013124
  Production Period: August 9, 2018 - July 31, 2020
  Number of units covered: 13,065

The range of VINs (serial numbers) of the recalled vehicles and the period and number of vehicles manufactured

Common name: Tricker XG250
  Model: 2BK-DG32J
  VIN number: DG32J-000011 through DG32J-002034
  Production Period: August 23, 2018 - July 22, 2020
  Number of units covered: 2,024

Scope, production period and number of vehicles subject to recall

Total 2 models, 2 vehicle types
  Production Period: August 9, 2018 - July 31, 2020
  Number of units covered: 15,089
The range of VIN numbers of vehicles subject to recall measures may include some vehicles that are not subject to the recall. For countries other than Japan, please contact the local corporation or the import agent directly.

This recall was originally reported under "Report No. 4580" dated October 15, 2019, but was recalled again because the countermeasure specifications were found to be inadequate.




→Read the full story

Original Source [ Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism ]

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See YAMAHA Moto Index Page
See Accessories for YAMAHA SEROW250
See Accessories for YAMAHA Tricker (XG250)
