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Ninja Face on a Z1000: KAWASAKI Z1000 Custom

 5 min read

Webike's Opinion

Here is a "KAWASAKI Z1000" custom by Webike community user "aqua-devil". The owner, who has always loved the GPZ900R and has owned three of them, shares the story of how he ended up with this Z1000 with the face of a GPZ. As the GPZ900R is an older bike, finding stock parts had become increasingly difficult, so he decided to save it for special occasions and bought a Z900RS for everyday use. When he rode it, he was amazed by the quality of this modern bike. However, maintaining two bikes was difficult, and with the costs of customizations in mind, he made the tough decision to part with both of them. He then decided to purchase the Z1000, a higher-spec model he had been interested in for some time.

However, he found that it was difficult to endure wind pressure on the highway with the streetfighter-style Z1000, and he realized that the GPZ face was still the best. So, he transformed the bike’s face into a GPZ look with the Custom Revolution Ninja Style Conversion Kit, painted it in DAYTONA’s original color, and achieved the appearance shown in the photos. By relocating the meters to the fairing, the handling became much lighter, making mountain passes even more enjoyable. He also considered making the rear style resemble the GPZ, but for now, he is satisfied with this modified look. His goal isn't a complete replica of the GPZ, but more of a neo-classic version, imagining what the GPZ900R might look like if Kawasaki made it today.

In addition to the custom parts listed in the chart below, he made a few other custom changes. He didn't like the shroud stickers, so he removed them and replaced them with the early model Z1000 emblem. He also found it hard to see behind him with the GPZ900R's early model mirrors, so he switched to the later model mirrors, which greatly improved rear visibility. Furthermore, the areas that were originally lime green were all painted olive drab for a more refined and subdued look. The rim tape was also changed from lime green to black to match the overall body color.



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Part Details
Exhaust LCIPARTS Exhaust
Brake brembo Radial Brake Master Cylinder (19 x 20) Stock Lever
Bodyworks KIJIMA Fender Eliminator Kit
Custom Revolution Ninja Style Conversion Kit
Electrical SPHERE LIGHT LED Sequential Turn Signal STAR SIGNAL



A foreigner who rides in Japan, Japanese call this "Gaijin Rider". Third year in the Webike global team. He feels and shares the real bike life in Japan then presents you how interesting Japanese customs are.