- I keep it in a side pocket in my tankbag so it's easily accessible. All I need to is pull over, take it out & fit it onto my finger. Quick, easy, simple.
It dosent feel intrusive when fitted on my gl...Read More - I'm normally a tankbag kind of rider. But after looking for something a bit more discreet to carry my wallet, phone etc in, this holster bag got my attention & thus far I'm not regretting the choice. ...Read More
- My foot size is an Aussie 10, which equated to my ordering a (US11)28cm size.
The construction seems strong, with double stitching etc. the ankle protectors are soft padded discs. The gear shift gua...Read More - The Rough & Road shoe cover is conveniant, I can wear them quickly when it suddenly rains. The Rough&Road is a bit thin and only covers the outside of the shoe so your shoes may get slightly wet in he...Read More
- Size is a bit small in my opinion. I recommend to go for the next bigger size.
I ordered Large size since that has been my size for all brands of gloves.
I commend the climacool feature of the inside ...Read More - This ROUGH&ROAD WSPrimaLoft thermal hooded jacket purchased by webike has detachable PrimaLoft ® The inner liner can keep the body temperature in cold weather, and it is completely free of burden for ...Read More
- 这款webike购买的ROUGH & ROAD WSPrimaLoft 保暖连帽外套,它带有可拆卸的带有PrimaLoft®内胆,能在寒冷的天气中保持体温,并且超轻量化穿着完全没有负担。这款外套配置了多个位置的CE标准护具保护骑行安全。Read More
- 之前在webike买过他们家的骑行服,最近准备来一趟较远的摩旅,就入手这一套ROUGH & ROAD Dual-Tex分体式雨衣以备不时之需。质地比较轻薄亲肤,收纳起来不占地方,背部也加了高亮度夜视反光条,大大加强夜间的骑行安全性,试过泼水效果,还可以,日常下雨应该也能胜任。Read More
- 之前骑车一直都是呗胸包,骑车的时候会碰到油箱,损伤漆面,这款webike购买的ROUGH & ROAD SCHWARZ R腿包小巧,基本的随身物品也都可以装上,小巧实用,超耐用的Cordura®让这个腿包更加结实耐磨。Read More
- 这款ROUGH & ROAD工装骑行裤的造型简洁,颜色也不错,宽松的版型适合各种身材的骑士,材质很厚实,防风效果也还行,城市通勤没有问题,它的厚度较厚,穿着舒适,同时具有弹性,保证不影响运动。Read More
- 在寒冷的冬季长时间骑行,脚趾头会渐渐的失去知觉,这款ROUGH & ROAD 防风脚趾套在内外衬之间夹了一层防风膜,保护脚趾不受外界寒风的侵袭,绒布内衬柔软舒适,并储存保持身体热量,穿戴简便比穿袜子还容易穿。Read More
- 这款在webike购买的ROUGH & ROAD 防护用冬季手套,采用小牛皮制作,内衬是羊毛材质柔软亲肤,佩戴感觉很舒适碳纤维指关节垫和腕部垫子可以保护手腕和手指,操作智能手机也是毫无问题。Read More
- 我在webike购买的这件ROUGH & ROAD Dualtex Adventure All Season Jacke,这是一件多季节可以穿的拉力骑行服,全身设计巧妙细节精致,版型贴合亚洲人身材,衣服上设计了多处通风口,袖口还有专门放置零钱的装置非常的贴心。Read More
- 我在webike购买的这件ROUGH & ROAD Water Shield Command Jacket,版型合身袖子也不会像其他品牌一样很长,腰部可以收紧,夹克防风防水,雨不大的话都不需要穿着雨衣,保暖内衬可以拆卸,可以多个季节穿着,我升高175CM体重80KG穿着XL合身。Read More
- 我在webike购买的这款ROUGH & ROAD WSPrimaLoft 保暖连帽外套,它带有PrimaLoft®内胆,是一种超轻量级、防水、易维护的微纤维材料。它的款式休闲适合平时上班通勤穿着,当然防护也很到位,肩、肘、背部均有CE标准护具。Read More
- 배송도 잘 도착했고 상품도 잘 받았습니다
생각보다는 약해 보여요 안하는것보다는 낫다는 생각으로 하면 괜찮을듯 합니다
그냥 흐물흐물한 스폰지? 같은 재질입니다 좀더 쫀쫀한걸 기대 했는데 조금 아쉽긴해요
여름용 슈트에 하긴했는데 몸이 보호가 되지는 않을것 같아요Read More - I bought this one matching for my retro bike. Leather quality is good but remind you that there is no protection such as knuckle and fingers. It's just good enough for wind protection. I don't think i...Read More
- Rough and Road products are always reliable. I bought this product for daily riding by scooter. This knee pad is easy to put on and off. It's light soft pad and protective enough for casual motocycle ...Read More
- Used for MinorBrand mesh jacket.Shoulders and elbows are not machined and just barely stored.However, the spinal cord has a different shape, so the extra portion was cut with Scissors.Apart from while...Read More
- Good point, I can go Touring with my regular Pants.If you take it off, you can go straight to dinner. I bought it thinking, "If I take it off, I can go out to eat as it is.I have no complaints in this...Read More