- Fits:
- HONDA CB750 RC42 [Genuine part number]23801-MW3-700 [Model name]CB750FIIN/CB750FIIN-II [Type]J/2J
- HONDA CB750 RC42 [Genuine part number]23801-MW3-700 [Model name]CB750FII1 [Type]J
- HONDA CB750 RC42 [Genuine part number]23801-MW3-700 [Model name]CB750F7/CB750F8 [Type]J/2J
- HONDA CB750 RC42 [Genuine part number]23801-MW3-700 [Model name]CB750F4/CB750F5 [Type]J
- HONDA CB1000R SC80 [Genuine part number]23801-MW3-700 [Model name]CB1000RAK [Type]J
- ...and more.
체인과 스프로킷을 교체해야해서 처음에는 한국의 사이트에서 알아보던 중, 위바이크가 떠올라 찾아보기 시작해서 한국에서 구매하는 가격보다 몇만원은 아껴서 구매 할 수 있었어요 :) 저는 제주도에 거주중이라 배송이 보통 며칠은 더 걸리는데 예상 했던 시기보다 빠르게 배송되어 더욱 좋았습니다. 곧바로 교체하러 바이크 센터에 가려 했으나 하필이면 센터가 쉬는 날이라...Read More - Fits:
- YAMAHA SR400 1JR [Genuine part number]3FH-17460-00 [Model name]SR400 [Type]3HTA
- YAMAHA SR400 1JR [Genuine part number]3FH-17460-00 [Model name]SR400 [Type]3HT1
- YAMAHA SR400S 1JR [Genuine part number]3FH-17460-00 [Model name]SR400/SR400S [Type]3HT5/3HT6/3HT7/3HT8/3HT9
- YAMAHA SR400S 1JR [Genuine part number]3FH-17460-00 [Model name]SR400/SR400S [Type]3HT3/3HT4
- YAMAHA SR400 RH16J [Genuine part number]3FH-17460-00 [Model name]SR400 [Type]B9F3
- ...and more.
OEM compatible, OEM same etc. quality.Aluminum is certainly lighter and looks better, though. Steel is more durable.Considering this, the cosmetics market is dominated by this product.good pointOEM qu...Read More - Fits:
- SUZUKI Grass Tracker (Glass TRACKER) NJ47A [Genuine part number]27510-25D00 [Model name]TU250GK2/TU250GK3
- SUZUKI Grass Tracker BIGBOY (Glass TRACKER Big Boy) NJ4BA [Genuine part number]27510-25D00 [Model name]TU250GBK4/TU250GBK5/TU250GBK6/TU250GBK7
- SUZUKI Grass Tracker BIGBOY (Glass TRACKER Big Boy) NJ47A [Genuine part number]27510-25D00 [Model name]TU250GBK2/TU250GBK3
- SUZUKI Grass Tracker BIGBOY (Glass TRACKER Big Boy) NJ47A [Genuine part number]27510-25D00 [Model name]TU250GBK1
- SUZUKI Grass Tracker (GRASS TRACKER) NJ4DA [Genuine part number]27510-25D00 [Model name]TU250GK9/TU250GL0
- ...and more.
Не ожидал, что будет такая мега-быстрая доставка через FEDEX (выбирал экспресс): заказ на 4 детали оформил 30.10.21, получил уже 11.11.21 (живу на Урале). Прикинул по родной звезде - посадочное место ...Read More - Fits:
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV5
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV4
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV1/4AV2/4AV3
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) UA04J [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV9
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) UA04J [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV6/4AV7/4AV8
I bought the wrong model for my car.Everyone should be very careful with their purchases.I have been using SUNSTAR for my Sprocket and Brake rotor since I started riding Motorcycle.They are a little m...Read More - Fits:
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV5
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV4
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV1/4AV2/4AV3
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) UA04J [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV9
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) UA04J [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV6/4AV7/4AV8
I bought the wrong model for my car.I think the thing itself is good.Read More - Fits:
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV5
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV4
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) V50 [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV1/4AV2/4AV3
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) UA04J [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV9
- YAMAHA NEWS Mate (MATE NEWS) UA04J [Genuine part number]93822-12011 [Model name]V50N [Type]4AV6/4AV7/4AV8
I was going to put it on my D Tracker 125 but for some reason I bought this product which doesn't fit.It was completely my mistake, so I will be careful afterwards.Read More - Fits:
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 DX (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine part number]23800-GB4-000 [Model name]C50BND8 [Type]BND
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 STD (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine Part Number]23800-GB4-000 [Model Name]C50BN7 [Type]BN
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 STD (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine Part Number]23800-GB4-000 [Model Name]C50BN8 [Type]BN
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 STD (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine Part Number]23800-GB4-000 [Model Name]C50BN2/C50BN5 [Type]BN
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 DX (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine part number]23800-GB4-000 [Model name]C50BND7 [Type]BND
- ...and more.
Качество звезды - огонь! Ведь ее хватит на гораздо дольше, чем китайскую. В городе Барнаул объездил наверное 20 магазинов и никто не смог помочь заказать звезды и цепь на скутеретту Honda Super Cub 50...Read More - Fits:
- SUZUKI GSX250FX ZR250C [Genuine Part Number]K1314-41278 [Model Name]GSX250FXK2/GSX250FXK3/GSX250FXK4/GSX250FXK5/GSX250FXTK3/GSX250FXTK4/GSX250FXTK5
- SUZUKI 250SB LX250L [Genuine Part Number]K1314-41314 [Model Name]250SBK2
- KAWASAKI ZZ-R250 EX250H [Genuine part number]13144-1314 [Model name]EX250-H13/EX250-H15
- KAWASAKI ZZ-R250 EX250H [Genuine Part Number]13144-1126 [Model Name]EX250-H5/EX250-H6/EX250-H7/EX250-H8/EX250-H9/EX250-H10
- KAWASAKI ZZ-R250 EX250H [Genuine Part Number]13144-1126 [Model Name]EX250-H1/EX250-H2/EX250-H3/EX250-H4
- ...and more.
I'm amazed that it's 30,000km old and there's no signs of wear.Since we haven't made any changes from the OEM chiming, there is no difference in performance, but the strength of Steel is still reassur...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA Ape Deluxe(100) (APEDELUXE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1003 [Type]2J
- HONDA Ape(100) (APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1002 [Type]J/YA/YB/YC/YD/YE/YF
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1004 [Type]J/2J/YA/YB/YE/YF
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1006 [Type]J/2J
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1007 [Type]J/2J
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I bought it to replace my LITTLE CUB rusted out Sprocket.It's a simultaneous front and rear replacement with the Chain.We decided that for a practical car, it would be a steel Sprocket with a focus on...Read More - Fits:
- YAMAHA TW200E DG07J [Genuine part number]93823-14149 [Model name]TW200E [Type]5LB1/5LB2
- YAMAHA TW200 2JL [Genuine part number]93823-14149 [Model name]TW200E [Type]4CS6
- YAMAHA TW200 2JL [Genuine part number]93823-14149 [Model name]TW200E [Type]4CS4
- YAMAHA TW200 2JL [Genuine part number]93823-14149 [Model name]TW200 [Type]2JL/4CS1/4CS2/4CS3/4CS5
The NTB NTB Sprocket caught my eye, so I bought it on impulse this time.As far as usability goes, I think it's safe to say that it's neither acceptable nor unacceptableMaybe there are better products ...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA Ape Deluxe(100) (APEDELUXE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1003 [Type]2J
- HONDA Ape(100) (APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1002 [Type]J/YA/YB/YC/YD/YE/YF
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1004 [Type]J/2J/YA/YB/YE/YF
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1006 [Type]J/2J
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1007 [Type]J/2J
- ...and more.
I bought the NTB NTB Sprocket this time and would like to Impression it.The product is in line with the previous reviews I see on the net.The quality of the product itself is guaranteed to some extent...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA DREAM50 (DREAM) AC15 [Genuine Part Number]23800-045-671 [Model Name]CB50V
- HONDA GORILLA (GORILLA) Z50J [Genuine Part Number]23800-045-671 [Model Name]Z50JB-III/Z50JC-VI/Z50JE-VI [Type]43530
- HONDA GORILLA (GORILLA) Z50J [Genuine Part Number]23800-045-671 [Model Name]Z50JB-LB [Type]LB
- HONDA GORILLA (GORILLA) Z50J [Genuine Part Number]23800-045-671 [Model Name]Z50JF-VI/Z50JJJ-VI [Type]6
- HONDA GORILLA (GORILLA) Z50J [Genuine Part Number]23800-045-671 [Model Name]Z50JJJ-VIS [Type]6S
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I used it for my CB50S Restore.I chose this inexpensive product.At the same time, the chain is exchanged.I couldn't compare it to the OEM condition because I didn't drive it, but it works fine.Read More - Fits:
- HONDA Ape Deluxe(100) (APEDELUXE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1003 [Type]2J
- HONDA Ape(100) (APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1002 [Type]J/YA/YB/YC/YD/YE/YF
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1004 [Type]J/2J/YA/YB/YE/YF
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1006 [Type]J/2J
- HONDA Ape(100)(APE) HC07 [Genuine part number]23801-179-700 [Model name]XZ1007 [Type]J/2J
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Because Grom's Chain has been cut off, Sprocket and Chain and Quantity:I replaced it with 1 Set of 3-items, especially since NTB products were cheap anyway I'm not picky and went with this product No ...Read More - Fits:
- YAMAHA TW200E DG07J [Genuine part number]93823-14149 [Model name]TW200E [Type]5LB1/5LB2
- YAMAHA TW200 2JL [Genuine part number]93823-14149 [Model name]TW200E [Type]4CS6
- YAMAHA TW200 2JL [Genuine part number]93823-14149 [Model name]TW200E [Type]4CS4
- YAMAHA TW200 2JL [Genuine part number]93823-14149 [Model name]TW200 [Type]2JL/4CS1/4CS2/4CS3/4CS5
TW200 (2JL) Used forThe body was purchased used and replaced because it was over the wear limitWe chose this product because it has a high level of reliability and cost performance with a proven track...Read More - Fits:
- YAMAHA Virago (VIRAGO) 3DM [Genuine part number]3DM-17460-00 [Model name]XV250S [Type]3DMC/3DMD
- YAMAHA Virago (VIRAGO) 3DM [Genuine part number]3DM-17460-00 [Model name]XV250S [Type]3DMB/3DME
- YAMAHA Virago (VIRAGO) 3DM [Genuine part number]3DM-17460-00 [Model name]XV250 [Type]3DMF
- YAMAHA Virago (VIRAGO) 3DM [Genuine part number]3DM-17460-00 [Model name]XV250 [Type]3DMA
- YAMAHA Virago (VIRAGO) 3DM [Genuine part number]3DM-17460-00 [Model name]XV250 [Type]3DM9
- ...and more.
I bought Front, Rear and Chain together to replace them and replaced themAs reviewed by others, the OEM Product has a Rubber in between I was confused because I read that it was noisy, but in fact, th...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA X4 SC38 [Genuine part number]23801-MAZ-000 [Model name]CB1300DCY/CB1300DCY-II [Type]J/2J
- HONDA X4 SC38 [Genuine part number]23801-MAZ-000 [Model name]CB1300DC3 [Type]YA
- HONDA X4 SC38 [Genuine part number]23801-MAZ-000 [Model name]CB1300DCV/CB1300DCV-II/CB1300DCW/CB1300DCW-II/CB1300DCX/CB1300DCX-II [Type]J/2J
- HONDA CB750FB BOLDOR 2 (BOLDOR) RC04 [Genuine Part Number]23801-445-770 [Model Name]CB750FB/CB750FBB [Type]K
- HONDA CB750F RC04 [Genuine Part Number]23801-445-770 [Model Name]CB750FC/CB750F2C [Type]K
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I used it for RC 04. It is a material like OEM so it seems to be used for a long time. Installation is commonplace but it is easy with a pon attachment (^ ^; Because the price is also cheap, I think t...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA CBR1100XX JH2SC35 [Genuine part number]23801-MAT-760 [Model name]CBR1100XXW [Type]2G
- HONDA CBR1100XX JH2SC35 [Genuine part number]23801-MAT-760 [Model name]CBR1100XX2 [Type]U
- HONDA CBR1100XX JH2SC35 [Genuine part number]23801-MAT-760 [Model name]CBR1100XX2 [Type]E/ED
- HONDA CBR1100XX JH2SC35 [Genuine part number]23801-MAT-760 [Model name]CBR1100XX2 [Type]CM
- HONDA CBR1100XX JH2SC35 [Genuine part number]23801-MAT-760 [Model name]CBR1100XX2 [Type]BR
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Purchased for drive system Refresh of my car Black Bird.I personally talk about preferences, but I do not like to use the Parts that have taken too much Shiningly Anodized for driving system, so I cho...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA X4 SC38 [Genuine part number]23801-MAZ-000 [Model name]CB1300DCY/CB1300DCY-II [Type]J/2J
- HONDA X4 SC38 [Genuine part number]23801-MAZ-000 [Model name]CB1300DC3 [Type]YA
- HONDA X4 SC38 [Genuine part number]23801-MAZ-000 [Model name]CB1300DCV/CB1300DCV-II/CB1300DCW/CB1300DCW-II/CB1300DCX/CB1300DCX-II [Type]J/2J
- HONDA CB750FB BOLDOR 2 (BOLDOR) RC04 [Genuine Part Number]23801-445-770 [Model Name]CB750FB/CB750FBB [Type]K
- HONDA CB750F RC04 [Genuine Part Number]23801-445-770 [Model Name]CB750FC/CB750F2C [Type]K
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Rear's 43T was not good in the accuracy of the hole position in the sideways touching and mounting, but I think that the 18T here is reasonable.Since it is not such a thing that changes with OEM, ...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA GB250 CLUBMAN (GB250 CLUBMAN) MC10 [Genuine part number]23801-KE5-000 [Model name]GB250L-IV [Type]4J
- HONDA REBEL (REBEL) MC13 [Genuine part number]23801-KR3-000 [Model name]CA250TT [Type]J/2J
- HONDA REBEL (REBEL) MC13 [Genuine part number]23801-KR3-000 [Model name]CA250TR [Type]TR/TR-2
- HONDA REBEL (REBEL) MC13 [Genuine part number]23801-KR3-000 [Model name]CA250TP [Type]TP/TP-4
- HONDA REBEL (REBEL) MC13 [Genuine part number]23801-KR3-000 [Model name]CA250TL [Type]TL/TL-3
- ...and more.
I bought it as Drive sprocket for GB 250 CLUBMAN, accuracy, Material (SCM) I am satisfied very much at this price with OEM Same Product.Although it ran 5000 kilometers after installation, durability i...Read More - Fits:
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 DX (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine part number]23800-GB4-000 [Model name]C50BND8 [Type]BND
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 STD (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine Part Number]23800-GB4-000 [Model Name]C50BN7 [Type]BN
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 STD (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine Part Number]23800-GB4-000 [Model Name]C50BN8 [Type]BN
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 STD (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine Part Number]23800-GB4-000 [Model Name]C50BN2/C50BN5 [Type]BN
- HONDA PRESS CUB 50 DX (CUB PRESS) AA01 [Genuine part number]23800-GB4-000 [Model name]C50BND7 [Type]BND
- ...and more.
Making is solid, it is also heavier than OEM.I am surprised at its weight compared to Chromoly and Duralumin.It seems durable by that much, so I will try to use it for a while.Read More