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여름용 슈트에 하긴했는데 몸이 보호가 되지는 않을것 같아요Read More - This is a RoughAndRoad Air throughPad, which means that it is not a product that matches JamsGold's Jacket, so you are on your own regarding its use.Each Size of Pad isBack Pad, approx. 43 cm (length)...Read More
- I bought a new Ruffolo Jacket and an optional chest pad to protect myself.This is a stabilizing measure in case of a fall or an accident.It is better not to use it, but it is an insurance policy in ca...Read More
- I bought this because the Protector for my Raflo Air Through Parka was too thin and this is an OEM product so it fits perfectly.Also, it is light for a Hard Type and does not make you feel heavy.Read More
- The Protector that came in the Mesh jacket was quite thin, so I decided to go Hard for safety.It's nice because it's hard enough and has a large enough area to be protected.Read More
- The company sells Armor Hoodie and Quantity:Buy the setIn conclusion, this Single Body does not provide enough protection.I tried elbowing a hard place and hitting my chest to test it out, but I felt ...Read More
- I haven't tested the protection. (You don't want to try it, do you?) I bought this for my flight jacket. I bought this for the Flight jacket of the same manufacturer. The standard pad is too soft and ...Read More
- 여름에 더워서 통풍되는 제품알아보다가 구입하게 됬습니다
스폰지타입으로 약해보이기는 한데 안하는거보다는 나을듯 합니다
그리고 처음에 냄새가 좀 많이 나네요
배송은 너무 빨라서 놀랐어요^^
I bought it after knowing the product that ventilated because it was hot in summer.
I...Read More - I am using it with my mesh jacket The protector on the chest is an option so I bought it together with the purchase of the jacket, but a certain Manufacturer's protector can be vertically larger than ...Read More
- I bought this to wear on the Rough AndRoad Rough Mesh Parka I have a Thailand Chi in my summer jacket and I have a chest I'm wearing the Honeycomb Protector, but to be honest, it's not very hot in sum...Read More
- It was purchased in anticipation of the cooler months, so I think it's Large sturdy until the heat wave Safety, I think it will be able to handle light falls, scrapes, etc Well, if it is usually Speed...Read More
- I know the product is the last time I bought it, but I'm actually using it (Fall accident) I don't know the performance, because I don't have any, but when I think about the feeling of security, cooln...Read More
- Product is soft Amiami Urethane pad. Will it protect my body with this?I did not match Jacket, but it became Exactly because it can easily be cut with Scissors.Although it may be a bit better than not...Read More
- I wonder if this product had been there for a long time since I never saw it even when going to a shop.Previously I used UrethaneWaffle's for summer, but I was frustrated honestly.Because it was u...Read More
- Originally it is for rough & Road.When I saw Impre, I saw a comment being used for other Manufacturers, so they can fail because they are inexpensive, so I can not use it for Komine made Mesh jack...Read More
- When rolling from the front at about 30 km / h, I was wearing Raflo's FLUSHMesh Parker ?, but rolling down, Jacket broke the shoulder, elbow and armpit and it became useless.There were no shoulder...Read More
- I bought it for rr 7314.Breathability is adequate, soft and difficult to get in the way and there is some shock absorption.I wish it had been equipped from the beginning.Since it is written as a speci...Read More
- 【What made you decide the purchase?】 RequiredI feel a bit of a sense of security【How was it actually used?】 RequiredI am worried about putting Pad ... from the bottom ....【Was it difficult to install?...Read More
- I bought a rough & Road's Jacket so I bought it together. I am a little worried because it is thin, but there is no sense of security if there is. The price was saved by cheap price.Read More
- Because this summer was also a hot summer, I wanted to make MeshJK cooler and more comfortable, so I exchanged it from what I was wearing from the beginning.After installation, it became easy to wear ...Read More